Versta Research Blog

Versta Research Blog

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The “Disney Experience” of Market Research

The “Disney Experience” of Market Research

One thing that impressed me about my recent trip to Disney World (for Versta Research’s presentation on infographics at LIMRA’s annual market research conference) was this: It felt nice not to be badgered at every “touch point” for survey feedback about how they were doing. Indeed, Disney World is known for taking customer experience to…

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No, You’re Not a Data Scientist

No, You’re Not a Data Scientist

The hottest new job title invading the world of market research is “data scientist.” It has many of us starting to wonder, aren’t we all data scientists? Whether quantitative or qualitative, we spend most of our time collecting, manipulating, interpreting, and presenting data. Our methods are grounded in social science. Put the two together and…

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Make an Infographic Something to Explore

Make an Infographic Something to Explore

Tip #3 of our presentation tomorrow at the LIMRA marketing research conference is this: Make your infographic something to explore. It stands in stark contrast to our advice for research reports, which is to make everything utterly transparent. Here I explain the reasoning behind this advice, what it means to “explore,” and most importantly, how…

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What Is an Accessible Survey, Anyway?

What Is an Accessible Survey, Anyway?

Here we are on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, which makes it a perfect time to answer the question: “What in the world do we mean by accessible surveys?” Our last newsletter (How to Make a Survey ADA Accessible) outlined the important steps needed to begin developing such surveys. But it’s worth stepping back from the…

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Who You Are Missing with Online Surveys

Who You Are Missing with Online Surveys

Nine out of ten Americans (89%) regularly use the Internet. So the old argument that online surveys will miss big chunks of the U.S. population is no longer valid. But an important question remains: Are the remaining one in ten (11%) who are beyond reach with online surveys substantially different from the others? And if…

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How to Make a Survey ADA Accessible

How to Make a Survey ADA Accessible

If you are a consumer-facing company deploying online surveys of your customers, accessible surveys will likely be on your agenda in the next couple of years. Accessible surveys incorporate unique design features so that people with disabilities who use assistive technologies can participate as fully as others. With the need for survey accessibility growing and…

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Six Things to Know about P-Values

Six Things to Know about P-Values

Whenever I write a research report, I feel strongly ambivalent about flagging data as “statistically significant.” If possible, I try to avoid it altogether. Why? Because p-values and concepts of statistical significance are often misunderstood, misused, and misleading. Indeed, the problem is so prevalent that one well-respected scientific journal in social psychology (Basic and Applied…

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Don’t Know Is Not an Option

Don’t Know Is Not an Option

A perennial debate among survey researchers is whether respondents should be allowed to answer “don’t know” or “not sure.” In fact, this is something we at Versta Research wrestle with (and argue about) internally almost every day. My approach is generally to not allow them. We have seen strong evidence in our own work that…

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