Versta Research Newsletter

Dear Reader,

During a presidential election year there is no escaping the flurry of public opinion polling and the intense scrutiny that surveys get from the media. But love it or hate it, there are excellent reasons to pay close attention to this year’s political polling.

Pollsters are grappling with the thorniest issues measuring peoples’ attitudes and behaviors amidst the most rapid change in technology and communications that we’ve seen in the last forty years. They face the same issues that all market research professionals struggle with day in and day out, under the glare of spotlights, expert criticism, and final validation come Election Day.

Versta Research’s Summer 2024 Newsletter highlights 5 Research Lessons from Election Season Polling that may give you a new perspective on political polls and offer some insights to help you in your own work.

Other items of interest in this newsletter include:

We also highlight several Versta Research news items, including our 15th anniversary (!) and research findings reported in The New York Times, NPR, and Fortune.

As always, when your next research project comes along, please do not hesitate to give us a call for our thoughts and a proposal. We will do you our very best to earn your vote and your confidence.

Happy Voting!

The Versta Team

Five Research Lessons from Election Season Polling

Every four years, the American public becomes engrossed in some of the same topics that research professionals obsess about every day—things like sampling, declining response rates, margins of error, and questionnaire wording. People who would otherwise avoid discussions about statistics start wondering: Are the respondents in political polls really representative of everyone? How can you conduct a poll when nobody answers the phone? Are differences statistically significant, or are the candidates locked in a tie?

And it’s not just the general public that gets engrossed. We do, as well, because election season presents a perfect opportunity to learn from some of the brightest people in our field who are at the forefront of using scientific methods to answer important questions that people care a great deal about.

Even if you are not involved in political polling, it is worth paying attention to the methods and best practices of political pollsters. One reason is that few other areas of research offer a way to completely validate one’s methods. Pollsters are using sampling and survey methods to predict the behaviors of a much larger population. Then in just one day that population behaves, we get a near-perfect count of exactly how they behaved, and we know whether the methods worked.

Here, then, are five important lessons from election season polling that we believe apply to all types of market research, and that profoundly affect the work we do at Versta Research:

1. Ask the Right Question (of the Right People)

More than any other type of research, political polling highlights the importance of asking the right question. Legitimate variations will affect the outcome in substantial ways. For example:

  • Should you ask respondents who they will most likely to vote for in November?
  • Should you ask respondents who they would vote for if the election were held tomorrow?
  • Should your question use Harris’ and Trump’s first names, as they will appear on ballots?
  • Should your question refer to each candidate’s party affiliation, as they will appear on ballots?

Likewise, who should your respondents be? All adults of voting age? All registered voters? Any adult who intends to vote? Registered voters who voted in past elections? And, of course, what questions will you use to identify these respondents?

The answers to all of these questions depend on why the survey is being done. There are many types of political polls, and multiple reasons for conducting them. Likewise, measuring consumer or voter attitudes is different from trying to predict behavior, which is different from trying to forecast market share. Your survey questions need to be designed accordingly.

2. Methods Matter

Beyond questionnaire design and sample selection, political pollsters rightly agonize over the full range of methodological details because each decision they make is likely to affect the accuracy, reliability, and usefulness of their findings. Nearly every new poll is subject to a barrage of methodological analysis and critique: Was the poll conducted online or by phone? Did they use live interviewers or automated dialing with interactive voice recordings? Was the sample selected through RDD (random digit dial) or targeted listings? What days of the week and at what times of day did they survey? Did they include mobile phones? How did they weight the data? And so on.

For a market research professional, all of this is a treasure trove of insight into the most important methodological challenges facing the research industry in a time of rapid technological and social change. It is a reminder that research methods matter, and that the challenges are not just about qualitative versus quantitative, or surveys versus focus groups. They are about design, fieldwork, respondent recruitment, data collection, data manipulation, statistical analysis, and interpretation as well. Each decision we make can be a potential source of instability and error that needs to be carefully managed.

3. It’s the Story that Counts

On a public relations front, election season polls prove that even “another” new poll about a topic that has been covered time and again can be important and newsworthy. Dozens of major polls are released every week. Most are trying to gauge the same thing. All of them are closely watched and widely reported. Why? Because the content is relevant, interest is high, and the stakes are huge. Moreover, each new poll matters, as it adds to or shifts the story about how voters are reacting, and how the campaigns need to respond.

If you are sponsoring a survey in support of a PR, marketing, or communications campaign, it is nice to find white space where you can study an issue and report polling data that nobody else has explored. But people will not care just because it is new. Conversely, many people care a great deal about the tried and true. How many surveys can there be, for example, about Americans not saving enough for retirement? In our experience, the topic is always relevant in new ways, and every variation on the last survey gets media play.

4. Vendors Differ

One striking feature of political polling is that not all polls agree, and careful analysis of multiple polls over time demonstrates what researchers call a “house effect” on results.

Even if research firms are asking exactly the same questions and trying to project their results to the same population, they make somewhat different decisions about design and analysis. As an example, several years ago Mark Blumenthal of the Huffington Post documented three non-partisan (and seemingly small and arcane) decisions about statistical weighting that led the Gallup organization to show consistently stronger support for Republican candidates compared to other polling organizations like Pew. Is Gallup biased? No more so than any other firm. As the Gallup Poll’s editor-in-chief noted:

“There are reasons that would argue for and against taking both courses of action. . . . Our methodologists certainly take into account all the pros and cons of the various decisions involved in sample weighting. We are constantly reviewing our procedures and making the best, well-informed judgments on changes.”

Good research is replicable and rigorous, but the process itself is about finding answers to unknowns. As such, research organizations make different decisions about even the smallest aspects of their work, which invariably affects their findings. Ideally your research vendor has the smartest and most experienced people making those decisions—the ones who understand and can explain how their decisions may affect the results.

5. Best Practices Change

Political polling in 2024 is beset with practical and technical challenges unlike anything we have seen in research over the last thirty years. Phone surveys used to be the gold standard for public opinion polls, but it is increasingly difficult to conduct them with the same levels of rigor as in the past. Best practices for polling have been upended by technological changes, demographic shifts, and lifestyle changes.

How, for example, should a telephone pollster handle an interview if a person is reached on a cell phone, but also owns a landline or multiple cell phones? The issue is complicated because multiple phones gives a person a higher probability of being sampled, and some types of phone users are demographically different from the rest of the population. Way back in 2012, an article in the New York Times documented the issue at a time when cell phones were first coming into prominence:

There is no consensus on the right method for handling such polling. The ABC News/Washington Post polls, like the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, terminate calls if cellphone respondents say they also have land lines. The New York Times/CBS News Poll, like the Gallup Organization and Pew Research Center, does not. Instead, Times/CBS pollsters complete interviews with all willing cellphone respondents and “weight” the views of those without land lines to make them reflect one-third of the survey’s results. Others remain skeptical that one-third is even the right target for “cell only” voters.

Paul J. Lavrakas, past president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, summed it up perfectly when he said, “Anyone who claims there’s a best practice doesn’t know what they’re talking about. We as an industry don’t know.”

These problems and others bedevil all of market research. Just when we start settling into a set of best practices about sampling, call-back strategies, survey mode, or statistical weighting, the world changes and we’re experimenting again with new strategies to get the most valid and reliable data to answer our research questions.

A Professional Win No Matter Who Wins

No doubt election season polling is about voters, candidates, and campaigns. But there are also valuable lessons for researchers about design, analysis, inference, prediction, and reporting. So whether you love or loathe this season’s barrage of media and polls, we urge you to step back and focus on how election polling is being done. Read the fine print. Pay attention to what the top polling analysts are debating. Notice how streams of conflicting data are being critiqued and/or synthesized into meaningful stories. Come November 5, you will know a lot more than whether your candidate won or lost and whether the polls got it right. You will know about some of the most pressing issues and trends affecting market research and public opinion polling today. That is a clear win for you.

Stories from the Versta Blog

Here are several recent posts from the Versta Research Blog. Click on any headline to read more.

Why You Need a Partisan Pollster

The best market research is often done by “partisan” researchers who are deeply invested in your success.

Journalist Tips on How to Communicate PR Surveys

A career journalist and PR consultant teaches research nerds about how to succeed when presenting survey findings to the media.

How Polls Pass CNN’s Quality Review

This list of 16 questions that CNN will ask before publishing your polling data is worth reading because it reflects a keen understanding of the critical issues facing research today.

Two Pie Charts that Work Beautifully (and Four Reasons Why)

Usually we recommend against pie charts, but here is an example with two pie charts that are better than alternative data visualizations.

The Coolest Chart You Probably Never Use

Sankey charts are an intuitive and dazzling visualization of crosstabs. They are ideal when you want to show how people “flow” from one category into another.

Ingenious New Research Abolishes Real Respondents

More than one hundred years ago Marcel Proust described what happens when we remove real people from stories. For novelists, it is amazing. For market research, not so amazing.

Can You Really Use AI to Create “Synthetic” Survey Respondents? Just-Published Academic Research Says No.

Research firms are racing to commercialize AI that uses synthetic respondents for surveys and interviews. But so far, it does not yield valid and reliable answers to market research questions.

Why You Should Avoid Numeric Response Scales in Surveys — They Seem Scientific, but Actually They Are Ambiguous and Difficult to Report

If you can avoid using numeric rating scales in your surveys, you should. Why? Because they are often impossible to report in clear and meaningful ways.

Versta Research Celebrates 15 Years

2024 marks our 15th anniversary of Helping You Turn Data Into StoriesTM  with customized research and analytical expertise. We’ve grown more than ten-fold in those fifteen years, and hope it still feels like YOU are Versta’s most important and only client.

CIRQ Recertifies Versta Research to ISO 27001 Standard

The Certification Institute for Research Quality (CIRQ) conducted its annual audit of Versta Research’s ISMS and IT Systems in July 2024, establishing continued compliance and protection of data according to the ISO 27001 standard. CIRQ is an International Standards Organization (ISO) audit and certification body that is a subsidiary of the Insights Association.

Research for the American Academy of Dermatology

The New York Times and NPR ran new coverage of Versta Research’s survey of American adults about attitudes and behaviors around sun protection commissioned by the American Academy of Dermatology. The survey documents an increase in the number of adults getting tans and burns, and an ongoing lack of understanding about the risks associated with tanning and burning. Earlier coverage was featured by CBS News and Huffington Post.

Surveys about Dementia Care Navigation for the Alzheimer’s Association

Two surveys from Versta Research continue to garner news coverage with the latest being a July feature article in Fortune about Medicare’s new GUIDE model for dementia care navigation. The research was previously highlighted in feature stories by USA Today, NPR’s All Things Considered, Good Morning America, and CBS. The Alzheimer’s Association has produced a special report on dementia care navigation, an infographic, and short videographic as well.

How-To Guide on Infographics Published

Versta Research’s Joe Hopper spoke at the 2024 Qualitative Research Consultants Association (QRCA) conference in Denver with a presentation on infographics for market research. A full article version of the talk was published (and available for download) in the summer 2024 issue of QRCA Views (Vol. 23, No. 4).