Versta Research Tops Insights Association’s “Most Read” Article List
January 5, 2018
The Insights Association last week released a list of top articles from its weekly newsletter. An article entitled “How Your Infographic Can Engage the ‘Right’ Brain,” co-authored by Joseph Hopper, president of Versta Research, and Kate Morris, former research director at Fidelity Investments, was among the most-read in 2017. The article appeared as a preview to their presentation on How to Create Spectacular—And Effective—Infographics at the Corporate Researchers Conference held in Chicago last October.
“It seems that every time we write or speak about market research infographics, people pay attention,” Hopper said. “It surprises me that the topic never gets old. But it speaks to the overwhelming importance of (and neglect of) two things in market research. First is building communication into every step of the research process. Second is data visualization.”
The article offers an in-depth look at one tip for effective research infographics: Making an infographic something to explore. Hopper and Morris argue that this engages the right-brain, inquisitive side of the reader. It gets them exploring, wondering, and starting to spin out how the data might apply.
They suggest three specific ways researchers can do this. First, lay out an infographic that gives the readers a path to follow. Second, present data points or blocks of information that require readers to assemble a puzzle. Third, present data in way that gets readers asking how they, themselves, fit in.
While advocating for the power and fun of infographics, Hopper is insistent that infographics should not replace traditional market research reports. “Reports should be transparent and very left-brain,” he said. “We want our audience thinking critically about the data and about the findings. Our goal with an infographic is to inform, enlighten, and delight, but ultimately we want them diving into our research report.”
The full article is available on the Insights Association website. Also available for download is an “infographic about infographics” that Hopper and Morris shared at their Corporate Researchers Conference presentation.
About Versta Research
Versta is a firm specializing in customized market research and public opinion polling. It helps clients understand their customers, prospects, and competition with expertise and academic brainpower. And it helps clients communicate that research to managers, clients, reporters, and the audiences they need to reach.
Versta Research
(312) 348-6089