Versta Research in the News
Explore selections from recent articles in the news about Versta Research and our clients.
Surveys about Dementia Care Navigation for the Alzheimer’s Association
Two surveys from Versta Research ― one survey of 1,204 health care professionals who provide dementia care navigation (both medical and non-medical) and a second survey of 1,533 caregivers ― were were designed to provide new data on the topic of Dementia Care Navigation for the Alzheimer’s Association. Survey findings have been highlighted in feature stories by USA Today, NPR’s All Things Considered, Good Morning America, and CBS. The association has produced a special report on dementia care navigation, an infographic, and short videographic as well.
Money Study Launches New Research for Wells Fargo
Versta Research conducted an in-depth survey of more than 3,000 U.S. adults and teens to explore the viewpoints of Americans—of varying ages and demographics—to help Wells Fargo provide the help and advice that they are seeking. The Wells Fargo Money Study will be an annual research effort, garnering attention and features stories on Bloomberg Radio, CNBC, Fortune, the New York Post, La Noticia, Employee Benefit News, among others.
Resource Center Highlights Survey Findings about Gen Z Employees
The Standard launched an online resource center for employers focused on attracting and retaining Gen Z workers, featuring new research commissioned from Versta Research with three groups: Gen Z Workers, HR Decision Makers and Managers of Gen Z. The full suite of position papers includes: (1) Insights about Gen Z’s expectations for employers, (2) An analysis of how employers can use carriers to attract and retain Gen Z, (3) A look at Gen Z’s goals and what they mean for employers, (4) A focus on how HR managers should shift their messaging to appeal to Gen Z, and (5) An appeal to boosting Gen Z financial literacy in the workplace. There is also an infographic called “Helping Gen Z Succeed” that sums it all up. Research findings were recently featured in news articles on Benefits Pro, Business Insider and Plan Advisor.
New Research for the American Academy of Dermatology
Versta Research was commissioned to survey American adults about attitudes and behaviors around sun protection and skin cancer risk in both 2023 and 2024. The surveys show increases in the number of adults getting tans and burns, and an ongoing lack of understanding about the risks associated with tanning and burning. Findings have been featured in a recent news articles in The New York Times, CBS News, NPR, Men’s Health, Huffington Post, and Axios.
Survey of Retirement Savings for Fidelity Investments
Versta Research fielded a survey of 3,569 working households to support Fidelity’s 2023 Retirement Savings Assessment. The results provide a snapshot into the nation’s retirement readiness based on workplace and individual savings accounts, Social Security benefits, pension benefits, inheritances, home equity, and business ownership. Findings have been featured on Fox Business and Investopedia.
The Role of Specialists in Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care
The Alzheimer’s Association commissioned a new survey from Versta Research for its 2023 annual Alzheimer’s Disease Facts & Figures report. The survey documents current patient loads and future shortages among neurologists, geriatricians, emergency medicine specialists, and neuropsychologists in providing dementia care. Findings from the special report have been broadcast on ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox News outlets nationwide. A video summary is available as well.
Survey on Digital Investing for Wells Fargo
Versta Research conducted a survey about digital investing to support Wells Fargo’s new LifeSync product launch. The launch and research highlights have been featured on CNBC and American Banker.
Employer Challenges During the Pandemic
The Standard commissioned Versta Research to conduct a survey exploring how employers have been dealing with leaves of absence and disability management during the pandemic years, as a follow up to its Absence and Disability Readiness Index launched in 2019. The latest findings are available in a full report.
Health Research Report from Wespath Benefits and Investments
Wespath Benefits & Investments reported findings from its 2023 Clergy Well-Being Survey conducted by Versta Research. Results from this seventh wave of research are available on their clergy well-being resource site and summarized by multiple news outlets.
Lincoln Financial Group Showcases Research on Long-Term Care
New findings from the “2023 LTC Marketing and Thought Leadership Research” that Versta Research conducted for Lincoln Financial Group are featured on Lincoln’s online resource center for long-term care planning, and were recently showcased on InsuranceNewsNet. The research findings are from surveys of both financial advisors and consumers. An infographic download is available for free, as well as a brief report about LTC misconceptions and a guide for consumers on getting started.
Survey of Wealth Builders Conducted for Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo commissioned a survey in 2023 of people over the age of 50 who had at least $1 million in investable assets that were made largely on their own. The research explored thoughts and opinions about their values, work ethic, money and assets, and succession plans for family businesses. The research anchors a wealth builders resource center on the Wells Fargo website, featuring a detailed report for download. Findings have been published in news articles on Small Business Trends and other business news media.
How Alzheimer’s Disease Affects Black Americans
AP News published a five-part series in 2023 examining health disparities experienced by Black Americans, featuring findings from Versta Research’s work for the Alzheimer’s Association’s special report on race, ethnicity, and Alzheimer’s in America. The report is based on two surveys: one of all U.S. adults, and another of U.S. caregivers. Survey results were originally highlighted two years ago in an NPR news segment and by the AARP, among other media outlets.
Rising Gen on the Future of Wealth
Versta Research conducted a survey for Wells Fargo of young adults who are in line to inherit at least a million dollars in the future. Survey findings are highlighted on a special microsite from Wells Fargo Wealth & Investment Management, and available in a full report.
Resource Center Highlights Mental Health Survey Findings
The Standard launched an online resource center for employers called Behavioral Health in the Workplace that features two years-worth of new research based on work by Versta Research. It includes a full array of blog posts, e-books, whitepapers, presentations, podcasts, and infographics with data-rich materials highlighting insights from the research. Research findings were recently highlighted in a SHRM feature article.
Teen Investing Survey for Wells Fargo
Versta Research fielded a Wells Fargo survey of teenagers and parents of teens about investing, generating news coverage in The New York Times, Reuters, Barron’s, CNBC, and other top media channels. Survey results are summarized on the Wells Fargo website, and via two infographics on Social Currency and Money Talks.
Wells Fargo commissioned a survey from Versta Research about singles and their dating habits to understand the unique financial vulnerabilities from online dating scams. Among the survey’s more suprising findings: men are potentially more vulnerable than women.
New Research for the American Academy of Dermatology
Versta Research was commissioned to survey American adults about attitudes and behaviors around sun protection and skin cancer risk in both 2021 and 2022. Findings about sunscreen usage are featured in a recent WebMD news article; findings about skin cancer risks and misperceptions about sun safety have been featured in articles from U.S. News & World Report, NBC News, ABC News, Prevention Magazine, and other media outlets.
Survey on Mild Cognitive Impairment: Is It Alzheimer’s?
The Alzheimer’s Association commissioned research for its annual Alzheimer’s Disease Facts & Figures report, with a 2022 special focus on Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). There were two surveys: one of all U.S. adults, and another of U.S. primary care physicians. Survey results were highlighted in an NPR news segment, CNN, UPI, among other media outlets. An infographic of the survey findings is also available.
The Financial, Emotional, and Professional Costs of Caregiving
Versta Research conducted Fidelity Investments’ 2021 American Caregivers Study, a new research initiative to focus on the costs of caregiving, both emotional and financial; best practices around planning and managing care responsibilities; and lessons to be shared with future caregivers. Findings from the study have so far been featured in Kiplinger, Financial Advisor Magazine, and Benefits Pro.
Whitepaper Shares Insights from Paid Family Medical Leave Study
The Standard commissioned new research in 2020 to explore how employers are preparing for changes in Paid Family Medical Leave laws. Survey findings are summarized in The Standard’s news release. In addition, The Standard’s PFML Resource Center offers a full-length whitepaper that explores the research findings in depth.
Lincoln Financial Group Showcases New Research on Long-Term Care
New findings from the “2020 LTC Marketing and Thought Leadership Research” that Versta Research conducted for Lincoln Financial Group are featured on Lincoln’s new online resource center for long-term care planning, and were was recently showcased in Forbes. The research findings are from surveys of both financial advisors and consumers. An infographic download is available for free.
Women Leading in Times of Uncertainty
Wells Fargo launched a study that focused on ways women are experiencing and taking the lead in navigating their households through uncertainty during the year’s pandemic. The first release of findings was covered by Forbes and CNBC on International Women’s Day (March 9, 2021) and focused on the increasing number of younger women who are primary household breadwinners.
Racial and Ethnic Attitudes on Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care
The Alzheimer’s Association commissioned research for its annual Alzheimer’s Disease Facts & Figures report, with a 2021 special focus on race, ethnicity, and Alzheimer’s in America. There were two surveys: one of all U.S. adults, and another of U.S. caregivers. Survey results were highlighted in an NPR news segment and by the AARP, among other media outlets.
Survey of COVID & Mental Health in the Workplace
The Standard Insurance Company commissioned a survey of workplace employees in the fall of 2020, eight months after the COVID pandemic began. Full survey findings are summarized in The Standard’s news release, and were discussed on a CNBC news segment about mental health issues and Covid-19.
A Generational Shift in Charitable Giving
Versta Research conducted a new survey for Wells Fargo about charitable giving among Americans, documenting important generational shifts as well as the impact of the pandemic.
Health Research Report from Wespath Benefits and Investments
Wespath Benefits & Investments reported findings from its 2021 Clergy Well-Being Survey conducted by Versta Research. Results from this sixth wave of research are available in an interactive report.
Whitepaper Highlights Findings from Paid Family Medical Leave Study
The Standard commissioned new research in 2020 to explore how employers are preparing for changes in Paid Family Medical Leave laws. Survey findings are summarized in The Standard’s news release. In addition, The Standard’s PFML Resource Center offers a full-length whitepaper that explores the research findings in depth.
Survey of Mental Health in the Workplace
Versta Research studied behavioral health issues in the workplace for The Standard’s 2020 thought leadership initiative, as described in a recent HuffPost feature article: “The Coronavirus Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis in America’s Workforce.” The work included development of five e-books, all of which are available for free from The Standard.
Long-Term Care Insurance Research for Lincoln Financial
Two surveys from 2018 with financial advisors and consumers for Lincoln Financial Group about long-term care planning were recently highlighted by a Forbes article about using hybrid insurance products to pay for long-term care.
Versta Research on PR Surveys at July Quirk’s Event
Versta Research presented How to Use Surveys for Thought Leadership on a Shoestring Budget at the Quirk’s Event in July 2020. The event is a relatively new industry conference designed to bring together a large and broad audience of market research and insights professionals. Versta has a long history of writing top-read articles for Quirk’s Magazine, including “How to Create Spectacular Infographics,” “How to Find and Eliminate Cheaters, Liars and Trolls from Your Surveys,” “Nine Habits of Great Marketing Research Vendors,” and “Mailed It: Paper Surveys Deliver for Chicago Bank.”
Alzheimer’s Association Releases Findings on Physician Readiness
Versta Research was commissioned to conduct surveys of physicians and first-year residents about their training, readiness, and expectations for future dementia care. The results were reported by U.S. News & World Report, among other news outlets. Full details are available in the Association’s press release and in the 2020 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report. Results are summarized in an infographic and video clip, as well.
Quirk’s Features Versta Research Survey for Chicago Bank
An article about Versta Research’s customer satisfaction survey for Devon Bank in Chicago appears in Quirk’s March/April 2020 print and online edition. The survey had a 25% response rate, far exceeding most online surveys, and was originally featured in our newsletter article, How to Beat Online Surveys with Old-Fashioned Paper.
Versta Research Coaches Business Students on Turning Data Into Stories
Joe Hopper, president of Versta Research, visited emerging new business leaders at the University of Illinois in Chicago for two weeks in February and March. Professor Jeffrey Parker wanted to showcase a better way to analyze and present market research findings.
New Research for Fidelity Investments on Money & Divorce
Fidelity Investments commissioned Versta Research for a new study on how people navigate the process of divorce financially and emotionally. Findings have so far been featured in stories by Reuters, Prevention, and Financial Advisor Magazine. Full details are available from Fidelity’s press release and Divorce and Money Study Fact Sheet.
Video: Health Research Report from Wespath Benefits and Investments
Wespath Benefits & Investments reported findings from its 2019 Clergy Well-Being Survey conducted by Versta Research. For this fifth wave of research, they brought in a creative team to develop a report of findings with a 4-minute video. Also available are a summary published in the Dimensions newsletter, and a one-page infographic.
Research for Lincoln Financial Group Highlighted for Long-Term Care Awareness Month
November was National Long-Term Care Awareness Month, founded in 2001 by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. Lincoln Financial Group highlighted selected findings from two surveys it commissioned from Versta Research.
Ad Council Campaign Encourages Families to Discuss Brain Health
Versta Research conducted a survey in support of a new public service advertising campaign launched by the Ad Council in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association. The findings and ad campaign were described in the Washington Post, and the ads can be viewed on the Ad Council website.
New Research for Fidelity on Fixed Income Investments
Versta Research conducted a survey for Fidelity Investments about awareness, attitudes and ownership of fixed income investment products (including CDs and deferred fixed annuities) among Americans age 50 to 75. A detailed look at the findings are available from Fidelity Investments’ Fixed Income Study fact sheet.
Research for Wells Fargo Featured in Kiplinger’s
An article by Wells Fargo Private Bank’s Head of Family Dynamics was featured in Kiplinger’s in May 2019. The article highlighted findings from the Children of Millionaires Survey that Versta Research conducted for the group.
Barron’s Reports on Surveys about Long-Term Care Insurance
Two surveys conducted by Versta Research for Lincoln Financial Group were featured in a recent article about long-term care insurance as a component of financial planning. Findings are based on two parallel surveys that included more than 1,000 U.S. adults and 500 producing financial advisors.
Surveys about Narcolepsy Presented at Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology
Results from our research with patients and physicians about the burdens of narcolepsy for Harmony Biosciences were presented in May at the 71st annual meeting of the AAN. Detailed findings are available from the presentation poster. Additionally, Harmony Biosciences’ Know Narcolepsy website offers an infographic that highlights key findings from the research.
New Index for HR Management Launched
Versta Research was commissioned by The Standard to develop its Absence and Disability Readiness Index, launched in March 2019, as reported in Business News Daily. A detailed look at the index and research findings are available in a full whitepaper and infographic.
Research on Cognitive Assessments for the Alzheimer’s Association
Versta Research was hired to conduct surveys of physicians and seniors about their experiences with cognitive assessments for the 2019 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report. Findings were reported by Time, the Associated Press, NPR, CNN, and other news outlets.
Children of Millionaires Cherish Family Values over Wealth
Versta Research conducted a survey for Wells Fargo of Gen Z and Millennial children of millionaires, described by an article in Barron’s. Well’s Fargo’s full press release of findings is available from the Associated Press (AP). A detailed look at the research is available in Well’s Fargo’s Children of Millionaires lookbook.
Survey Explores Family Burden of Providing Long-Term Care
Versta Research conducted a survey for Lincoln Financial about long-term care needs and the potential burden on caregivers, described in this article in Plan Adviser. Lincoln’s full November press release is available on Market Watch.
Versta Article on Survey Trolls Featured in Quirk’s
An article about survey sampling and data quality written by Dr. Joseph Hopper, president of Versta Research, appears in Quirk’s upcoming print magazine and online edition.
New Findings from Versta Research on Narcolepsy
Harmony Biosciences commissioned a research study about narcolepsy with Versta Research. It involved three audiences: patients, physicians, and the general public. Findings from the research are highlighted on Harmony Biosciences’ new Know Narcolepsy website, which features this infographic. The research is being submitted for presentation at the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) annual meeting to be held in Philadelphia in May 2019.
Versta Research Looks at Elder Financial Needs for Wells Fargo
A survey on the financial needs of elderly Americans was commissioned by Wells Fargo and featured by CNBC, Time, and Forbes. Wells Fargo has published a detailed whitepaper and lookbook overview of the research findings.
Long-Term Care Survey Featured in Forbes
Versta Research’s survey of financial advisors and consumers for Lincoln Financial was featured in Forbes and in other news outlets including the New York Times and Morningstar.
Versta Election Commentary Published in Quirk’s
Versta Research’s analysis of election polling for the 2016 presidential campaign, along with five lessons for market research, was picked up by Quirk’s media and re-published in April.
Versta Research Helps Cars.com with WOM Research
New research about the power of online reviews has been published by Cars.com. Findings highlight how car shoppers use reviews, which types and sources of reviews they trust, and how they feel about negative reviews.
The Mobile Influence on Car Shopping
Cars.com partnered with Versta Research for its latest research on how mobile devices are shaping the modern car shopper’s journey, including which devices they use and how they use them.
College Profs Get a “B” for Financial Literacy
Fidelity Investments released its 2017 Higher Education Faculty Study conducted by Versta Research, which highlights how faculty and higher education employees are thinking about their readiness for retirement. Findings are highlighted in a retirement readiness infographic available from Fidelity.
Wells Fargo Advisors Helps Customers with Envision® Planning Tool
Versta Research recently helped Wells Fargo document how the Envision® process helps customers prioritize their financial goals and adapt to change.
Survey of Office Workers Highlights Productivity Challenges
Versta Research conducted Fellowes’ biennial “Productivity in the Workplace” survey, which focuses on current productivity challenges. This year’s survey also highlighted important generational differences.
Versta Launches Research for Wespath Benefits & Investments
Versta Research has been working with the benefits and pension group of the United Methodist Church since 2009 to understand and track clergy well-being. The 2017 wave of this biennial effort just launched.
Survey for Transunion Explores Big Data and Financial Analytics
Versta Research documented the struggle that lenders face in keeping up with their data. Findings are highlighted in an interactive infographic, with an e-book available for download.
The Financial Impact of Marriage Equality
Versta Research conducted a survey for Wells Fargo (featured in this NBC News article) about last year’s Supreme Court ruling and how it is affecting the finances and future planning of same-sex couples.
Versta Research’s “9 Habits” Featured in Quirk’s
Our feature article on the nine habits that make for really great vendors in the entire market research supply chain was published by Quirk’s in August (download a free PDF version of “9 Habits”).
The Competitive Impact of Alternative Data
TransUnion commissioned a new industry study about the use of alternative data among lenders who rely on consumer credit data. A summary of findings, an infographic, and a full report are now available.
News Coverage for Survey on Money and Marriage
Versta Research’s survey for Wells Fargo in advance of the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage was reported by CNBC, FA Magazine, Black Enterprise, and Curve.
Physicians and Pain Sufferers Open Up About Rx Abuse
Versta Research conducted a survey about prescription drug abuse for Teva Pharmaceuticals, the American Academy of Pain Management, and the U.S. Pain Foundation, which is featured on the Pain Matters website with an infographic that highlights research findings.
Third Wave of Clergy Health Study Completed
Versta Research has been working with the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of the United Methodist Church since 2009 to understand and track clergy health. The 2015 research results are now available.
Findings from Affluent Women Survey Published
Wells Fargo has published a white paper from the research we did for them about affluent women and retirement.
US News & World Report Highlights Results from Employee Engagement Survey
Our collaboration with Brilliant Ink on a new Employee Experience Assessment tool continues to make headlines.
Home Loans Poll: Technology Improves the Process
Discover Home Loans continues to release findings from the survey we conducted for them about homebuyers and technology, which was also recently featured in The Huffington Post.
Creating IT Futures has published a white paper from the research we did for them about teen views of tech careers, which was recently featured in an article by Forbes.
Affluent Women Enjoy Making Money
Versta Research conducted a survey of affluent women for Wells Fargo, which was recently featured in stories by Bankrate, Forbes, and other news media outlets.
Homebuyers Addicted to Technology
A new study for Discover Home Loans documented how recent homebuyers use technology and online listings, and was featured in Time and on other news sites.
New Research on Employee Productivity
Versta conducted a new survey for Fellowes documenting current challenges and trends in employee productivity at the workplace.
Versta Research to Share PR Insights at ARF
Versta Research will present at the Advertising Research Foundation’s annual Re:Think conference along with Wells Fargo with a paper entitled “Sync Your Message with Social Change and Quadruple Your Earned Media.”
Hispanic Investors Seeking Investment Education
A survey of Hispanic investors for Wells Fargo was featured in broadcast segments on CNN Dinero, ¡Hola Ciudad!, Univision.com, Terra.com, and Un Nuevo Dia, along with other major news outlets
Urban Teens See Future in IT Careers
The Creating IT Futures Foundation partnered with Versta Research and Doyle Research to document how urban teens think about their futures and how the IT industry can attract more of them into tech careers.
Homebuyers Unprepared for Mortgage Process
A survey of prospective homebuyers for Discover Home Loans was featured in The Wall Street Journal, Fox Business, and other finance and real estate news outlets.
The Science of Pairing College Roommates
The Chicago Tribune featured an article about our client’s college roommate matching program, for which Versta Research developed the algorithm.
Talking about Money Difficult for LGBT Investors
A Versta Research survey for Wells Fargo was featured in Fortune, Investment News (registration required), Bankrate, and on the front pages of CNN and NBC News.
4 Ways to Inspire Brilliance from Your Team
Liz Kelly, CEO of Brilliant Ink, was featured in Fortune with an article highlighting survey findings from the Employee Experience study.
Versta Survey Findings Featured on Discovery Channel Program
Recent findings from two surveys about chronic pain were featured in a documentary film produced by the Discovery Channel.
More on Retirement Savings among Nurses
Healthcare news sites continue to cite findings from Fidelity Investments’ nurses tracking study conducted by Versta Research, now in its fourth wave.
10 Ways to Make Sure New Employees Love You
The Muse, a careers website aimed at Millennials, with more than 3M+ subscribers featured an infographic developed with survey findings from Brilliant Ink and Versta Research.
Local Survey Highlights Need for Education about Schizophrenia
Findings from a recent Versta Research survey of Birmingham residents were featured in the local Birmingham press.
Retirement Savings Up among Nurses
Fidelity Investments just released findings from the third wave of a tracking study conducted by Versta Research that measures shifts in attitudes and behaviors among U.S. nurses since 2007.
Professors Over-Confident and Complacent about Retirement Savings
Our research about retirement planning and savings among faculty in higher education was recently featured in The Boston Globe.
Survey: College Faculty Are Delaying Retirement
Research for Fidelity Investments has been featured on CNN, Bankrate, and other media outlets.
Boomers with Pensions Retiring in Debt
Even with traditional defined benefit pensions plans, almost half of boomers are retiring with debt according to a new Fidelity Investments survey conducted by Versta Research. Findings have been featured in Plan Sponsor Magazine, Financial Advisor, and other media outlets.
Versta Survey Helps Launch Diabetes Campaign
Results from a new survey conducted by Versta Research were published this month in the American Chronic Pain Association’s (ACPA) quarterly publication, Chronicle, as part of a new educational initiative to help patients and physicians talk about diabetic nerve pain symptoms.
A Generational Look at Saving for Retirement
Versta Research conducted Fidelity Investments’ 2011 Higher Education Generational Survey, which was featured this week by Time and by the Chronicle of Higher Education, among other media outlets.
Nurses Feel Secure about Jobs, but Not about Retirement
A new study by Versta Research for Fidelity Investments provides insight into how the economy and health care industry changes have affected nurses’ perspectives on their profession and retirement.
Workers Uninformed about Pension Plans
With more than 42 million Americans participating in corporate pensions today, a Fidelity Investments survey (conducted by Versta Research) of corporate pension plan participants has found a widespread lack of awareness about how those plans work.
Versta Research fielded a Wells Fargo survey of teenagers and parents of teens about investing, generating news coverage in The New York Times, Reuters, Barron’s, CNBC, and other top media channels. Survey results are summarized on the Wells Fargo website, and via two infographics on Social Currency and Money Talks.
New Research for the American Academy of Dermatology
Versta Research was commissioned to survey Americans about sun protection and skin cancer risk. Findings about sunscreen usage are featured in a recent WebMD news article; findings about skin cancer risks and misperceptions about sun safety have been featured in articles from U.S. News & World Report, NBC News, ABC News, Prevention Magazine, and other media outlets.
Survey of Mental Health in the Workplace
Versta Research studied behavioral health issues in the workplace for The Standard’s 2020 thought leadership initiative, as described in a recent HuffPost feature article: “The Coronavirus Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis in America’s Workforce.” The work included development of five e-books, all of which are available for free from The Standard.
Research on Cognitive Assessments for the Alzheimer’s Association
Versta Research was hired to conduct surveys of physicians and seniors about their experiences with cognitive assessments for the 2019 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report. Findings were reported by Time, the Associated Press, NPR, CNN, and other news outlets.
Versta Research Looks at Elder Financial Needs for Wells Fargo
A survey on the financial needs of elderly Americans was commissioned by Wells Fargo and featured by CNBC, Time, and Forbes. Wells Fargo has published a detailed whitepaper and lookbook overview of the research findings.
College Profs Get a “B” for Financial Literacy
Fidelity Investments released its 2017 Higher Education Faculty Study conducted by Versta Research, which highlights how faculty and higher education employees are thinking about their readiness for retirement. Findings are highlighted in a retirement readiness infographic available from Fidelity.
The Financial Impact of Marriage Equality
Versta Research conducted a survey for Wells Fargo (featured in this NBC News article) about last year’s Supreme Court ruling and how it is affecting the finances and future planning of same-sex couples.
Versta Research to Share PR Insights at ARF
Versta Research will present at the Advertising Research Foundation’s annual Re:Think conference along with Wells Fargo with a paper entitled “Sync Your Message with Social Change and Quadruple Your Earned Media.”
Homebuyers Unprepared for Mortgage Process
A survey of prospective homebuyers for Discover Home Loans was featured in The Wall Street Journal, Fox Business, and other finance and real estate news outlets.
Versta Survey Findings Featured on Discovery Channel Program
Recent findings from two surveys about chronic pain were featured in a documentary film produced by the Discovery Channel.