Sorry, Algorithms Are Not Insights

Sorry, Algorithms Are Not Insights

A persistent misperception in our industry is that technology can (or eventually will) largely automate our work. It reflects a fundamental confusion between the tools that we use versus the work that we do. This confusion was evident in a recent New York Times article about the surprising amount of time that data scientists devote…

Execs Vote on Top Research Needs in Marketing

Execs Vote on Top Research Needs in Marketing

Every two years marketing executives from more than 60 corporate members of the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) vote on the most important marketing topics they need to understand better.  They represent companies like Kraft, Colgate-Palmolive, Bank of America, Nielsen, and Walmart.  MSI—a think tank, of sorts, whose mission is to “bridge the academic and business…

Versta Research Post

The Best Statistics Software

 There was a recent online discussion among colleagues who are active in the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) about experiences with and recommendations for survey analysis and statistics software.  Many noted that traditional commercial software is getting extremely expensive, but that newer options do not always have the same capabilities that many of…

Versta Research Post

3 Reasons We Don’t Do Statistics in Excel

Over the last few years we have wondered whether spreadsheet software like Excel will soon make statistics software like SPSS or SAS obsolete. Spreadsheets have amazingly powerful and often intuitive capabilities.  They have many of the statistical functions we use every day.  Younger people entering our profession rarely know programs like SPSS or SAS, and…