Versta Research Post

Doing Research with Made-Up Numbers

Most research professionals know there is a kernel of sad truth in this Dilbert cartoon.  But it is not because the world is random, so that made up numbers work just as well as accurate numbers.  It is because research is often not used at all, in which case the difference between real numbers and…

Versta Research Post

Top 5 Picks: Best Articles on Market Research

Versta Research just hit a magic number: 100.  That’s the number of articles we have written to help our clients and their colleagues keep abreast of important trends in market research.  If your market research supplier is not providing ongoing thought leadership in design, methods, and analytics, then what are the chances they are bringing…

Versta Research Post

Advice for PR Surveys: Avoid Numeric Scales

As much as we love numbers, we find ourselves often advising clients against using numeric scales in their surveys.  A numeric scale is any response format that asks people to give a number within a certain range to indicate the strength of their feeling or opinion.  The insanely popular survey question used to calculate Net…