Talking about Infographics at LIMRA
Tomorrow we’re giving a talk at LIMRA’s annual Marketing and Research Conference in Baltimore. The topic? Creating spectacular infographics for market research. It builds upon our Newsletter article from last July, and upon our subsequent top-five article in Quirk’s.
And thanks to our own Peter Kowalski, who has extraordinary talent designing infographics for research, we have a snazzy “infographic about infographics” to accompany the presentation. (How “meta” is that?!) It outlines our 8 tips for spectacular research infographics, embodying each of those 8 tips within the infographic itself.
So in case you miss the presentation tomorrow, here is a brief recap of those 8 tips we’ll be talking about:
1. Use a specialty tool
2. Keep it short
3. Make it something to explore
4. Tell a story
5. Think in blocks
6. Use text as graphics
7. Repeat visual elements, but break it up
8. Remember, it’s a marketing tool
But wait, you don’t have to miss it. Here is the original article, in full. And here is a free download of the snazzy handout. Want a printed copy on beautiful high gloss paper suitable for framing, perfect for your office or cubicle to inspire research communications? Drop me a quick note, and I will be happy to mail it to you.