Try Using Tables Instead of Charts

One memorable lesson from reading Edward Tufte’s books about visual displays of quantitative information is that charts are not the only way to display data. Indeed, they are sometimes a worse way. We should always at least consider a table as a superior alternative: Tables are clearly the best way to show exact numerical values,…

Why Your Neuro-Marketing Might Be 70% Wrong

Why Your Neuro-Marketing Might Be 70% Wrong

Who can resist those flashy brain image scans showing that certain words, colors, images, or brands (or maybe your latest marketing message) magically light up consumers’ brains, presumably making them want to buy? Or, if you’re a cynic, who can resist sharing with colleagues the brain image scan of a dead salmon showing brain activity…

Conjoint Analysis Helps Apple Win $1B in Lawsuit

If you ever have trouble convincing your managers and executives about the value of market research, tell them this:  The one billion dollar settlement that Samsung will pay Apple for patent infringement was based on a carefully designed market research study using conjoint analysis. According to colleagues at Sawtooth Software, a company that develops the…