Research Should Focus on Your Customers, Not on Your Products

Research Should Focus on Your Customers, Not on Your Products

In this article we revisit a 15-year old article in the Harvard Business Review (“Rethinking Marketing”) about the transformation of marketing. It relates directly to an important  theme of Versta Research’s recent talk at the AMA in Chicago—namely, dissipation of the research function. The article argued that marketing was shifting from being product-centric to being…

Can You Really Use AI to Create “Synthetic” Survey Respondents? Just-Published Academic Research Says No.

Can You Really Use AI to Create “Synthetic” Survey Respondents? Just-Published Academic Research Says No.

One of the weirdest new uses of artificial intelligence in market research is to create “synthetic respondents” for surveys and qualitative interviews. The idea is to use information scraped from the Internet via AI’s large language models, construct a sample of synthetic people that matches the demographics of one’s target population, and then ask those…

CIRQ ISO-27001 Certified

Your Data Secured: Versta Research Is ISO-27001 Certified

It was a long, arduous process (and still is), but it was worth it: Versta Research has been awarded certification for compliance to ISO 27001! This is one of the most widely recognized and internationally accepted information security standards. Certification puts Versta Research among a small handful of market research and insights firms that undergo…

What Do Gen Z Marketing Students Think of Research?

What Do Gen Z Marketing Students Think of Research?

Imagine a class of undergraduate students in business marketing taking their first—maybe their only—marketing research class. What is the toughest part of research for them? After one lecture and an assignment, we asked them, and nobody said math or statistics. We’ve just published the Versta Research Summer Newsletter and our feature article, What Do Gen…