About Omnibus Surveys
This article has been updated. Please see 4 Things to Ponder Before Choosing an Omnibus Survey.
This article has been updated. Please see 4 Things to Ponder Before Choosing an Omnibus Survey.
Good open-ended questions and thoughtful responses to these questions can yield amazingly rich and insightful data. But given the generally poor quality of responses to open-ended question in mail surveys, some have speculated that open-ended questions in online surveys would suffer a similar fate. Research seems to show this is not the case. Further, a…
How to Add Value: Provide Insight and Understanding In a provocative new book entitled What Would Google Do? author Jeff Jarvis claims that “Middlemen Are Doomed” because the Internet has made information so easy, accessible, and cheap. He argues that the Internet links buyers and sellers directly, and it allows buyers to get information and…