Research Should Focus on Your Customers, Not on Your Products

Research Should Focus on Your Customers, Not on Your Products

In this article we revisit a 15-year old article in the Harvard Business Review (“Rethinking Marketing”) about the transformation of marketing. It relates directly to an important  theme of Versta Research’s recent talk at the AMA in Chicago—namely, dissipation of the research function. The article argued that marketing was shifting from being product-centric to being…

What Do Gen Z Marketing Students Think of Research?

What Do Gen Z Marketing Students Think of Research?

Imagine a class of undergraduate students in business marketing taking their first—maybe their only—marketing research class. What is the toughest part of research for them? After one lecture and an assignment, we asked them, and nobody said math or statistics. We’ve just published the Versta Research Summer Newsletter and our feature article, What Do Gen…

How to Use Surveys for Thought Leadership on a Shoestring Budget

How to Use Surveys for Thought Leadership on a Shoestring Budget

If you need super-fast, super-cheap (but rigorous) research insights for thought leadership content, the just-published Versta Research Summer Newsletter is for you. It features an article, How to Use Surveys for Thought Leadership on a Shoestring Budget, that describes (in a video!) a new DIY process we used to launch ten extremely fast snapshot surveys…