How to Find Marketing Gold in the Ivory Tower
Want to stay at the very top of your professional game and gain a significant edge over competitors? Want to dazzle colleagues with real insights that nobody else is yet discussing? Look no further than the Ivory Tower. Throughout the year our academic colleagues are producing a treasure trove of ideas and knowledge based on research more rigorous than most private companies can afford. They publish this stuff so that anyone can read it and learn from it.
In Versta Research’s summer 2013 newsletter we review three academic journals we highly recommend for market research, survey research, and public opinion polling. We also give examples of specific and unique insights these journals have offered that are relevant to our work and that of our clients.
For example:
Public Opinion Quarterly has offered recent research about:
- The best place to put lengthy instructions for survey questions
- How the biggest polls mess up not because of sample size but because they screen incorrectly
- How high response rates may hurt the accuracy of surveys
Journal of Marketing Research has offered recent research about:
- Consumer financial decision making on debt, savings, retirement, and stock trading
- Optimal sampling techniques for concept testing and innovation research
- Biases that mess up customer satisfaction survey data
Journal of Consumer Research has offered recent research about:
- The myth of consumer choice overload
- The effect of color on a buyer’s willingness to pay
- The best kind of feedback to give internal clients who use research
Plus we share news about a top industry prize for research from the International Association of Business Communicators, presentations about diabetic conditions at two scientific meetings, and a new staff member joining Versta Research.
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Happy Solstice!