Conjoint Analysis Helps Apple Win $1B in Lawsuit

If you ever have trouble convincing your managers and executives about the value of market research, tell them this:  The one billion dollar settlement that Samsung will pay Apple for patent infringement was based on a carefully designed market research study using conjoint analysis. According to colleagues at Sawtooth Software, a company that develops the…

Versta Research Post

13 Threats to Survey Accuracy

Way back in 1944, Edwards Deming published an article in the American Sociological Review that could be required reading for anybody who does research today.  He outlined all potential (and unfortunately, common) sources of error in survey research. Apparently our contemporary obsession with sample sizes, random samples, response rates, and margins of error is not…

Versta Research Post

Why Every Business Needs the Census Bureau

Every ten years the Census Bureau provides a count of all people living in the United States.  More importantly, the Census Bureau and other agencies conduct ongoing surveys of the population to document crucial facts and figures about who we are. And every year, it seems, these agencies come under attack from politicians who would…

Versta Research Post

Five Classes to Make You Smarter

Summer provides an ideal opportunity to learn from our research colleagues in the academic worlds.   Many of them offer short, intensive “summer camp” training that is relevant and practical for market researchers.  You get training that is far more rigorous and comprehensive than courses offered by “training institutes” and other commercial providers. Here are our…