Pollsters Disagree on Best Sampling Methods

Pollsters Disagree on Best Sampling Methods

The last presidential election was a stunning win for online polls and a drubbing defeat for telephone polls. It provoked a loud and contentious debate among survey methodologists about the accuracy of polls and about how (and whether) to revise our methods. So here we are again, four years later with technology having moved faster…

Dump Your Landline Sample

Dump Your Landline Sample

Polling and phone technologies may finally have reached the point where mobile phones are no longer a threat to phone-based surveys, but a superior alternative. Only half (52%) of U.S. households now have a landline telephone. In contrast, more than nine out of ten adults have a mobile phone. And the latest findings from Pew…

Why I Love Political Polls

Why I Love Political Polls

Actually, Joe Citizen does not love them, but Joe Researcher does. The horse-race polls for media release offer little value to the first Joe because the only poll that really matters is the election itself. But for Joe Researcher, political polls offer unparalleled, ongoing opportunities to understand, validate, and improve our methods of survey research.…