How to Keep Innovating Your Research Methods

How to Keep Innovating Your Research Methods

If you ever have trouble separating all the hype of new methods and technology from the reality of whether those methods work, turn to the sober and decidedly non-hyped world of academic research.  Some of the smartest people in the world build their careers by pursuing scientific research about research methods.  They publish their results…

The Best Place to Learn All Things Data

The Best Place to Learn All Things Data

Every year I peruse the listings of summer college training courses on research methods. Part of it is nostalgia—I loved school. But I’m also looking for courses that will keep me and our Versta employees at the forefront of new knowledge and research techniques. (I didn’t learn R in graduate school, so yes, I took…

Versta Research Post

Train Wreck Infographics

When we published our July 2014 newsletter on How to Make Spectacular Infographics, we spent some time looking for examples of poorly done infographics. Ultimately we decided to focus only on the positive “what-to-do” for infographics instead of the negative “what-not-to-do,” so we set those examples aside. Well, along comes the latest news magazine from…

Sorry, Algorithms Are Not Insights

Sorry, Algorithms Are Not Insights

A persistent misperception in our industry is that technology can (or eventually will) largely automate our work. It reflects a fundamental confusion between the tools that we use versus the work that we do. This confusion was evident in a recent New York Times article about the surprising amount of time that data scientists devote…

How to Make Spectacular Infographics

How to Make Spectacular Infographics

This week, after nine months of intensive study and practice, we published our Summer 2014 Newsletter with a feature article on How to Make Spectacular Infographics.  It offers tips and tricks and some how-to insights.  It is based on a company-wide internal initiative launched last fall to develop an infographic summary of research findings for…