Versta Research Post

How to Conduct a Telephone Survey for Gold Standard Research

Telephone surveys are still considered the gold standard for rigorous public opinion polling and market research.  The reason is that virtually every household in the U.S. can be reached by telephone, and therefore we have careful methods of determining the probability that any individual person is included in a sample to be surveyed.  Knowing this…

Versta Research Post

Keep Your Surveys Honest

One problem with new survey technologies that make it easy (and inexpensive) to design and field surveys is that we now have an explosion of poorly done and ill-intentioned surveys.  Have you ever suspected that a survey isn’t quite legit? Keeping your survey efforts honest is critical.  Sincere efforts to document issues through rigorous surveys…

Versta Research Post

How to Select the Type of Chart to Use

Data visualization will likely be one the biggest areas of innovation and development over the next several years.  This is a good.  A chart that clearly and succinctly displays detailed data in a way that captures the viewer’s attention and helps interpret the data can be incredibly powerful.  Edward Tufte, a pioneer in this area,…

Versta Research Post

Listen to Your Customers

It hurts, but when your customers hate you, you should be listening all the more carefully: You need to find out the who, what, where, when, and why they hate you.  Probe deeply with focus groups, in-depth interviews, social media monitoring, and survey research.  Rigorous research done right (our specialty) will give you valuable insight. …