Versta Research Blog

Versta Research Blog

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Versta Research is a marketing research and public opinion polling firm that helps you answer critical questions with customized research and analytical expertise.

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Versta Research Blog

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Versta Research Post

New Year’s Research Resolutions

As we begin the New Year 2013 (and as Versta Research enters its fifth year in business!) my colleagues and I are thinking less about the hottest trends that dazzle, and more about a few rock-solid resolutions for the market research industry that would make research more valuable, relevant, and useful compared to last year,…

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Versta Research Post

The Five Most Read Versta Posts in 2012

Ever worried that you might have missed something important, funny, useful, or downright insightful here at the Versta Research Blog?  Fear not.  For our 2012 year-in-review, we compiled, among other useful statistics, the traffic analytics from our website.  Here is a list of the top five published articles or posts that our readers viewed in…

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Versta Research Post

28 Questions to Ask before Buying Online Sample

With all our excitement over the last few months about the accuracy of online polling during the election season—substantially outperforming “gold standard” telephone research—there was not time to share ESOMAR’s September 2012 updated guide to purchasing online sample.  The guide consists of 28 questions all purveyors of online sample should answer, publish, and make available…

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Versta Research Post

How to Ask about Age on Surveys

This week we published Versta Research’s quarterly newsletter with a feature article entitled “Wisdom in an Age-Old Question.” While it might seem simple to ask a person’s age on a survey, it turns out that there are all sorts of ambiguities and documented sources of error in the various ways you might ask it. Fortunately,…

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Versta Research Post

5 Secrets of Innovation Success

Successful innovation and new product development involves a great deal of customer input.  The more ways in which customers are involved, and the more systematic your efforts to involve them in multiple ways, the more likely you are to succeed with an innovative product or service. This is according to new qualitative research just published…

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Versta Research Post

Google Beats Gallup in Recent Polls

If there is one super important lesson to be learned from this year’s round of election polling, it is that online surveys work.  Google Consumer Surveys, which use non-probability online samples, predicted the election far better than Gallup did.  And online surveys, overall, outperformed telephone surveys. The New York Times’ Nate Silver compiled polling results…

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