Versta Research Blog

Versta Research Blog

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Versta Research is a marketing research and public opinion polling firm that helps you answer critical questions with customized research and analytical expertise.

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Versta Research Blog

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Let Your Respondents Mess Up

Let Your Respondents Mess Up

While it is tempting to use advanced programming to “force” good answers and good behavior out of survey respondents, don’t do it. Let respondents make mistakes. Let them mess up, and then review who messes up. This is one of the best ways to assess data quality in a survey, and trust me you will…

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Testing the Impact of Low Response Rates

Testing the Impact of Low Response Rates

Survey response rates, which are still a measure of data quality and survey success in our industry, continue to drop. Most online surveys of customers (one’s own customers) will garner response rates of two to three percent—and that is if you are lucky and if you do everything right. Rigorously executed phone surveys achieve miserably…

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The Quintessential Robot Survey

The Quintessential Robot Survey

Even the very best survey shops are pressured to do bad work. My recent experience with one bad survey from a fancy survey shop illustrates in multiple ways one of the biggest problems facing market research today: bad surveys via robots, including the newest dreaded incarnation of robots: Artificial Intelligence. The survey came from a…

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100+ Data Sources for Market Research

100+ Data Sources for Market Research

Putting together our winter newsletter, Five Free Data Sources Every Market Researcher Should Know, had me reviewing various sources of free data that we use nearly every day at Versta Research. The really big sources were top-of-mind and easy to come up with: data from The Census, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the National Institutes…

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Versta Research Just Turned 10

Versta Research Just Turned 10

Happy birthday to us! We were born on January 19, 2009 in the depths of a recession with nowhere to go but up. Many of the research firms that were around back then have disappeared, sold themselves off, closed up shop, or consolidated into behemoths. From a statistical standpoint, we beat the odds, which got…

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