Versta Research Blog

Versta Research Blog

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Two Ways to Find Data for a PR Story

In an article published some years ago entitled Data-Driven Journalism, Walker Sands, a Chicago-based marketing and PR agency, outlined two ways to get media placement for your company or your client with research.  Their premise was that journalists and readers are hungry for interesting stories, and in today’s data-driven world, some of the most interesting…

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Better Data through Better Survey Design

Market researchers complain a lot when they get data back from surveys and see that people have been “speeding” through their surveys or that people are not giving thoughtful responses. Putting aside the issue of fraud (which is a huge problem in our industry) the problem is rarely “bad respondents” – instead the problem is…

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The Beauty of Conjoint Analysis

One of the cool things about social science and marketing research is that it brings together mathematics and human behavior.  Mathematics is beautiful, elegant, and abstract.  It is much like art.  Human behavior is messy, contradictory, and frustrating, desperately in need of a way to make sense of it.  Bringing the two together – turning…

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Conscientious and Agreeable Survey Respondents May Be Skewing Your Data

There are three important characteristics of people who “satisfice” on surveys: They are less conscientious They are less agreeable They have different cognitive skills The first two refer to dimensions of the Big Five personality traits. Conscientious people are efficient and organized vs. extravagant or careless. Agreeable people are friendly and compassionate vs. critical and…

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Election Season's Dumb Statistics

Election Season’s Dumb Statistics

Today I saw my first “dumb election statistics” article of the season, with AP News offering this dramatically titled story: Kamala Harris’ election would defy history. Just 1 sitting VP has been elected president since 1836. We are bound to see tons of headlines and stories like this during the next several weeks. It brought…

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Why You Need a Partisan Pollster

Why You Need a Partisan Pollster

In an essay published not too long ago, Stuart Rothenberg, a prominent political (and non-partisan) commentator argued that partisan pollsters (those who work directly for either Democratic or Republican candidates) do a better job than presumably objective third party pollsters. Why? Because they have to get it right. Their campaign strategies depend on it. Quoting…

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Journalist Tips on How to Communicate PR Surveys

Journalist Tips on How to Communicate PR Surveys

On Monday I received media training from one of the research industry’s top professional organizations: The American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR). They hired Brenda Foster, a career journalist and now a communications and PR consultant, to teach research nerds about how to succeed with media interviews when talking about research findings. First she…

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