Versta Research Blog

Versta Research Blog

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Farm Lessons for Stellar Market Research

Farm Lessons for Stellar Market Research

If our last newsletter convinced you there are insights to be found in academic journals, we hope our fall newsletter will convince you of another source: Henry Brockman, organic farmer friend extraordinaire and keen observer of consumer behavior.  During market season, I volunteer for and work alongside Henry at the Evanston Farmer’s Market.  Here are…

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Versta Research Post

A Peek into Big (and Erroneous) Data

Ever wonder what all those big data companies, who make tons of money selling information about you, actually know?  With newly heightened concerns about data privacy, some companies will finally give you a peek.  And it’s not too impressive.  Maybe it’s good enough for mass marketing, but for those of us in research who sometimes…

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Versta Research Post

Keep the N.S.A Out of Our Surveys

As a citizen and voter, I am appalled to learn that our government routinely spies on the phone and digital communications of ordinary people and businesses and now harasses the journalists who are bringing it to our attention. And as a business owner in the market research industry, I am deeply concerned that government spying…

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The Slippery Slope of Slider Scales

The Slippery Slope of Slider Scales

Every once in a while we opt for slider scales on surveys we have designed – usually when we want a numeric rating from 0 to 10.  It seems easier for respondents than shifting over to the number pad, and it offers a more fun, interactive experience than simply clicking radio buttons.  Sliders also allow…

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Versta Research Post

3 Early Interventions to Make Employees Happy

Dilbert could have read one of many articles over the last two decades about employee satisfaction and engagement.  There is an abundant literature on (1) how to define, conceptualize, and measure employee engagement, (2) how employee engagement drives business outcomes and improves profitability, and (3) the social-psychological antecedents of employee engagement, like the “sense of…

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Versta Research Post

Wine Scarcity Drives Consumers to Drink

Recently we’ve been writing about nuggets of gold discovered in the ivory tower – that is, market research insights we find by reading academic journals.  As luck would have it, we stumbled upon one such nugget this week.  It answered a question posed by Diana Hamann, aka the wine goddess, purveyor of a favorite local…

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Versta Research Post

Ten Things You Can Do with Census Data

Every year the Census Bureau comes under attack from elected officials who unfortunately know little about how immensely valuable its services are.  The Census accounts for a miniscule slice of the total U.S. budget, and yet it provides some of the most essential services that bolster good government, political stability, and economic growth.  These are…

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